Thursday, 20 August 2015

Oracle Database 12c....Installation

Databases are the key to store the data and information you require to store through your projects. Although bigger and more reliable databases are far less prone to problems with installation and also are being handled by the professionals but for all the engineering and computer science students these can turn out to be a real mess if not installed properly.

Although the software, specially the Oracle Database 12c can be installed by watching the online videos available but at times in some specific cases serious problems can occur even while doing it right according to the video.

Moreover these heavy softwares once installed are very hard to get rid of because of the large amount of files they get onto your PC with them. and If something goes wrong, you need to do a serious work to remove all of this.
You will need to delete the Registry files, than the files present in your C: Drive and finally try out the videos to remove even slightest piece of these from your computer to reinstall it.

So here are some of the quick tips to go around the installation of Oracle Database 12c.
1. Download Oracle Database 12c from Oracle website. (
2. Download the version compatible for you PC's Operating system and download both the files.
(Note: Remember first you"ll have to register yourself on the oracle website, agree to the license agreements and then you will be able to download the free software.)
3. Now that you have downloaded both the files, you need to extract those zip files into the same folder.

4. Now Open the folder and double click to Run the Setup. Allow it to install with administrator powers.
5. Oracle Universal Installer will start with a black terminal screen and will ask you to please wait...
6. After that the Software Installation will Start having a 10 user interaction steps.
7. First step is Configure Security Updates. Here you an provide your Email Id which is not necessary. Also you can ignore to receive the updates from oracle but unchecking the chechbox. and press Next. Just press yes for the warning afterwards.
8. The next step will ask you to whether you want the Software updates? Just let it skip software updates that's choosen by default and make things simple for you. Press Next.
9. The next Step is Select Installation Options. Select Create and Configure a database. and press Next.
10. In the Next step choose Desktop class and press next.
11. Now on this Oracle home user selection step, choose Use Windows Built-in account and press Next. Now confirm your usage by pressing yes.
12. Now the installer will ask for Typical Installation Configuration. In this step just fill the empty password fields and remember the Global Database Name as well as the Pluggable database name.
The Installer will be using the largest memory drive with largest storage space available. Although you can change it but it is recommended to go with the flow.
(Note: The password must have numerals, small as well as capital alphabets and should be atleast 9 characters long.)
13. In the next step, the installation will start. In this step you can, if you want to save the response file and then press install.
14. Now sit back and relax for sometime until the installation reaches around 73%. Just keep an eye on the screen because while installing it might ask permission to Allow access because windows firewall might block it. So allow access the "2 Times" it asks for.
15. Suddenly after that a new window will open up saying " Database Configuration Assistant". This creates the database. Let it complete.
16. After this the window will open showing you the Database name and the URL you will need to open the database in the browser.
(Note: Copy the URL and take a screenshot of this screen to remember)
with this, at the right side, a button representing the Password management will be shown.
(Note: Don't press OK yet!)
17. Open the URL in your browser and if you are offline, just continue to the website.
(Note: I recommend to open it in Internet Explorer.)
18. Now go back to the same window and open Password Management. SYSTEM and SYS are unlock by default. You unlock the rest of all and provide each and everyone of it with a password and remember the password. Just do this for all>> Uncheck>> New password>> Confirm Password.
When all done press OK.
19. After that press OK on the Database Configuration Assistant window and installation will complete. Now press close and allow access if any antivirus or firewall warnings appear.
20. Now Open the browser again and fill in the login screen username - sys and the password you just provided in password management. Select the checkbox as DBA and hit login.
21. Now you'll be logged in as System Database administrator.
22. Go to the Security>>User>>Create User.
23. By default the name is c##. just give it a password, confirm it and press ">" button.
24. In the tables paces make no changes and press ">" button.
25. Now on this window select all the rows in left box and put them in the right box
 Don with ">" sign. after this press OK.
26. Now the User is created so logout of the database from upper left hand side given button.
27. Now go to the Start Menu or Start Screen> all programs and press Sql Plus. Give the username you made in browser and password. That is c## and the password you gave and press Enter.
28. Now you are successfully able to write SQL queries ti create tables in the database and save your data.

Problem while installation :
The major problem that occurs while installation is the following :
Error in Process: C:\app\.....product\12.1.0\dbhome_2\perl\bin\perl.exe

You press enter!
What Happens?

Database Configuration Assistant does not show password assistant after this Error and some error occurs afterwards.

If pressed Ok the following will happen.

After this everything goes on, you skip the step and the database is installed but without any user.

The Solution :
The Solution to this problem after all this happens is as follows:

Uninstall your Antivirus program such as McAfee. Avast doesnot create any problems but better is to remove them.
 Open Database Configuration Assistant manually from Start. Now the process will start.
Fill the username and pluggable username manually as orcl and pborcl respectively and provide the password conforming to the rules for the password mentioned earlier.
Now the database will be created open the URL and go as told above.

If you have got some queries or anything to share please do comment. If you need the installation video Email me. I am always "Happy to Help".


  1. Hi shubhdeep
    I tried everything to solve this perl.exe problem but no success.
    Finally i am here to ask you to do help for me to resolve this error.

    1. Hello Pawan
      Its good to hear from you. I have provided the solution below. Have you tried uninstalling your antivirus program? Most probably if it still doesn't work, you should try uninstalling any previous unfinished databases. Then clean install again after uninstalling the antivirus program if any.

    2. Hello Shubhdeep Singh
      Still i am getting same issue.
      Is there any other reason behind this.

  2. It is showing fatal ins 32250 adr setup tool failed, error while installing
    I tried reinstalling with my antivirus off but same error is showing everytime

  3. datapatch.bat is lost err... plz give me solution

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